It's taken me quiet a long time to understand and grasp this reality. And, I admit, that there are days when "being joyful" is far from my desires or wants - usually those are the days that a pity-party sounds good and bad attitudes struggle to gain control. Yet, in my weakness, I see the strength of God shinning forth, calling me to walk a higher road that He has laid out and a call to pursue of His ways over mine. This, I have discovered, is where true joy is found.
Following the LORD, and allowing His joy to be in your life, is a two-way street. First, following the LORD/allowing His joy to be in your life means that you have to take action to WALK with/after Jesus. Joy follows obedience. What does this look like? Well, for starters, it means doing what the LORD commands we do in the Bible.
- First, be in fellowship. Find a church, a body of believers, people who hold to the teaching and practice of the Bible. Become a part of that group - sharing, caring, and encouraging others that are your brothers and sisters, and allow the LORD to minister to you through that avenue of people and corporate worship.
- Second, be faithful to take communion. Communion is not the literally transforming of the bread/wine (or most often, grape juice) when digested by Christians, but it is the outward remembrance of remembering Christ death and the sacrifice He paid for our sins. He said to take communion often and in remembrance of Him.
- Thirdly, hold fast to the teachings and doctrines of the apostles, the men that God used to first orchestrate and begin the church age, or referred to as the "age of grace." In holding to their teachings, know that they were INSPIRED by God. It says that "all scripture is inspired by God." No matter the lies that swirl in the world, the Bible is not just a book of feel-good stories (seriously, have you read the old testament?? Not all the stories are feel-good!) or man's feeble attempt to create a religion. No, the Bible is the WORD OF GOD and is manifested in Jesus Christ. It is real, living, and active, and is sharper in a man's soul and life then a double-edged sword. Study the WORD - know it, apply it to your life, and let it take root in your soul. You will see God work in wonders ways within your life when this practice takes part of your daily routine.
- And last but not least, pray. Spend time talking with God. Relationships require communication, listening and sharing. When you are saved, you enter into a brand new relationship with God. Because Jesus is the bridge that connects you to God, you know have an open door, so to speak, in direct contact and relationship to God. Pretty amazing, right?!! You, a human, get to TALK and have a close relationship w/ the God who made you! (and made the world, universe, and anything else you see) The way we hear God, know God, and learn to follow Him is by talking to Him and LISTENING to what He has to say.
I know that it can be hard at first - saying "no" to yourself since it is NEVER easy, especially when you start doing it. But, take it from experience, it does get easier (most of the time :) . God will meet you when you begin to say "yes" to Him, and no to yourself. He desires that you live life to the fullest of what HE has for you. He desires you and your soul more then I could ever express. By walking with Him and letting Him be LORD, it allows us to open our hearts and lives to Him more and more, and for Him to, in return, change us from the inside out.
True joy isn't found in the things you do - if you don't know Jesus, you know that joy is never lasting and happiness is so fleeting, but as one who has known God and walked with Jesus for over twenty years, I can share with great passion and confidence that it is God who makes my life complete, who gives joy when circumstances swear otherwise. When pain, hardship and trials come my way, they can shake me up for a moment, but then God comes right in to remind me of his Never-ending presence, love, and provision. His joy, His peace, and His presence then quickly evade my life and circumstances and I am given strength to face whatever lies ahead.
Remember, He loves you - like no other person on this world does. May you come to realize that there is Joy in following the LORD, and may HE be your strength.